Rules XML

AuraConfigLite supports rules. Rules are defined in a xml file. Rule can be used to restrict or control the changes to resources type.

For e.g.

  • User cannot manage Cell.
  • User cannot manage Node.
  • User cannot manage Server.
<ConfigObject type="Cell" editable="none"> 
   <ConfigObject type="Node" editable="none">   
	<ConfigObject type="Server" editable="none">   

Rule can be applied at the Resource level or at attribute level.

At resource level options are

  • create - Resource can be created or updated
  • update - Resource can be only updated, new resource of this type cannot be created.
  • none - Resource cannot be created or updated.

As seen in the above example that resource of type Cell, Node or Server cannot be created or modified.

At attribute level, following rules can be applied editable=”false”, min, max

  • editable - true or false. Define value of the attribute can be changed, default is true.
  • min - Range of the value for a attribute that has numeric value. Set min range using this rule.
  • max - Range of the value for a attribute that has numeric value. Set max range using this rule.
  • pattern - Specify the pattern that must be exists in a value of an attribute.
<ConfigObject type="Cell" editable="none">
    <ConfigObject type="ServerCluster" editable="none">
	<ConfigObject type="ClusterMember" editable="update">
		<attribute name="name" editable="false" />
		<attribute name="weight" min="2"  max="4"/>