Misc ANT Tasks

AuraSyncNode Task

This task is used to sync the nodes after changes are commited to deployment manager.

HostHost location of target DMGR or standalone server.Yes
PortRMI or SOAP bootstrap Port of target DMGR or standalone serverYes
connectionTypeEither RMI/SOAP. Protocol to use for connectionYes
userNameUser name for connection to dmgr or standalone serverYes
passwordPassword for connection to dmgr or standalone serverYes

AuraCluster Task

Use to stop/start/restart cluster

HostHost location of target DMGR or standalone server.Yes
PortRMI or SOAP bootstrap Port of target DMGR or standalone serverYes
connectionTypeEither RMI/SOAP. Protocol to use for connectionYes
userNameUser name for connection to dmgr or standalone serverYes
passwordPassword for connection to dmgr or standalone serverYes
operationValid operations are start,stop or restart.Yes

AuraApplication Task

Use to stop/start/restart application, In case of multiple EAR, it loops through the EAR files to the list of application.

HostHost location of target DMGR or standalone server.Yes
PortRMI or SOAP bootstrap Port of target DMGR or standalone serverYes
connectionTypeEither RMI/SOAP. Protocol to use for connectionYes
userNameUser name for connection to dmgr or standalone serverYes
passwordPassword for connection to dmgr or standalone serverYes
earFileLocationEnter the full path of the EAR file locationYes
deployDataLocationEnter the full path of the Deploydata file locationYes
operationValid operations are start,stop or restart.Yes
isMultiEARTrue or False, If the deployment is for multiple ear files.Yes
multiEARDeployDataDirectory location of the deploydata files for multiEar deploy, Only required if multiEar is true.No
multiEARLocationDirectory location of the ear files for multiEar deploy, Only required if multiEar is true.No