Deploy ANT Tasks

AuraDeployLite Task

This task is used to deploy the EAR or WAR file to target cluster or server. The task also supports multi ear deploy. If any changes are required to the EAR then process EAR ant task explained below must be used before Deploy.

applicationNameName of the application being deployed.Yes
clusterCluster to which the application should be deployed. Either server Name or cluster name must be specified. Both cannot be specifiedNo
serverServer to which the application should be deployed. Either server Name or cluster name must be specified. Both cannot be specifiedNo
earFileLocationEnter the full path of the EAR file locationYes
deployDataLocationEnter the full path of the Deploydata file locationYes
userNameUser name to connect to Target ServerYes
passwordUser name to connect to Target ServerYes
portRMI or SOAP Number to connect to on the Target ServerYes
hostName of the server where Deployment Manager is installedYes
failIfResourceAbsentBoolean value of Yes/No or True/False. If true then deploy will fail if the resource mentioned in the DeployData.xml is missingYes
connectionTypeRMI or SOAP ProtocolYes
shouldStartTrue or False, If you want to start the application the value must be set to true.Yes
isMultiEARTrue or False, If the deployment is for multiple ear files.Yes
multiEARDeployDataDirectory location of the deploydata files for multiEar deploy, Only required if multiEar is true.No
multiEARLocationDirectory location of the ear files for multiEar deploy, Only required if multiEar is true.No
sleepTimeForSyncRequestTime in millisecs for AuraDeployLite to sleep before requesting synchronise status for nodesync. Defaults to 50000.No
remoteEARDirectoryLocation of the EAR files in case of remote deployments. Default is same as multiEARLocation.No
parentLastClassLoaderModeTrue or false, If application Parent Last classloader mode must be set to true or false.No
failOnErrorTrue or false, If set to true AuraDeployLite will ignore any failures. Defaults to false. True is not recommended for Production environment.No
startingWeightInteger value to determine the starting weight of the application. Value specified in the deploydata for an application overrides this value if specified.No
startClusterBeforeDeployTrue or false, Will start the cluster before application deployment if not started. Default is false.No
reStartClusterAfterDeployTrue or false, Will restart the cluster after application deployment. Default is false.No
operationinstall, uninstall or reinstall. Default is reinstall.No

AuraProcessEAR Task

If there are certain configurations in the applications for e.g. Security role mappings, JNDI bindings then those configurations can be defined in Deploydata.xml. Deploydata.xml can be supplied for each or subset of EAR files, this file will contain the configurations of the EAR file. Generally this file must not differ between environments, but if there is a requirement to support changes between the environments then tokensations can be used. In case of multi ear; AuraProcessEAR using maming conventions to find the deploydata in the deploydata directory mentioned in the ANT task. Naming conventioned is EARFileName-deploydata.xml. If there are any Application configuration that are not supported by deloydata.xml format then you can use auraconfiglite to apply the configuration post deployment.

earFileLocationEnter the full path of the EAR file locationNo
deployDataLocationEnter the full path of the Deploydata file locationNo
isMultiEARboolean, true or false if the deployment type is multi earYes
multiEARLocationLocation of Directory containning EAR filesNo
multiEARDeployDataLocation of Directory containning deploydata filesNo
VirtualHostTypically user will supply this information in a deploydata file. Use this when only virtual host mappping configuration is to be changed and same virtual host is to applied to all the application, thus no need to create deplydata files.No
defaultValuesBoolean. default is false.deploydata file should define all the configurations in the EAR. In the scenario where only a subset of configurations is to be enforced during the deployment then set defaultValues to true. Now processEAR task will accept the default values supplied in the EAR files.No